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Forum Topic - Managing healthy hot home cooked meals for senior citizens in Dharan

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Jun 21 2015 07:10 AM

Subject: Managing healthy hot home cooked meals for senior citizens in Dharan
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Managing a good diet is very important for senior citizens especially if there are special dietary needs such as diabetic, low sodium or low carb meals. If you are a senior citizen, how do you manage your daily meals. Do you
1. either you or a member of your family cook meals yourself
2. hire household help/cook to cook meals for you
3. use a food delivery service from a restaurant or tiffin service, if yes what kind of service, do you have
recommendations, what is the cost, how is the quality, menu etc
4. get pre-packaged ready to eat meals. what do you get, what is cost and how is the quality, variety etc
5. if you use other options, what are they, again what is the cost, how is the quality and variety.

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